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Contact | D-Lab Records

let’s keep in touch.

Demo submit.

Send your demos to demo@d-labrecords.eu

We accept 320 kpbs mp3 only for demo! Don’t send to us cuts or unfinished works.
It’s prefer, that you send at least two tracks or if not then be ready to provide remix-pack for our signed artist to made for this work remix(es).
In subject please fill: “Artist name – Track or Release name”.

Don’t send your tracks as attached file, use for this WeTransfer.com or any similar service.
Also you can send your track via Droptrack service by following link: http://dlabrecords.droptrack.com/demo/

If we like your work, we will answer to you in two-three weeks.
Sorry, we receiving too much demos, so we need the time to listen them all…

Be ready to provide to us mastered version of your work in format:
WAV 16bit 44100Hz with RMS not above -9 dB.
If you haven’t mastered version or we don’t like your work technicaly, our team can make mastering, for this we need your work in format:
WAV 24bit 44100Hz, with clear master bus (no EQ, no compressor, no limiter) and peaks not above -3 dB (yellow line).


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